Jewish Buenos Aires 100 gr.

Jewish Buenos Aires 100 gr.

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Seeds Jewish Buenos Aires 


Description: Variety with straight, flat pods, about 18-20 cm. long and 2 to 2.4 cm wide, which stand out as being dark green with a purple marbled, very tender and tasty. No thread occurs.
You need to put the stems tutors to climb them.
Planting depth: Put 2-3 seeds in each hole 3-4 inches deep
Marco culture: 40 cm between plants and 80 cm between Jewish lines.
Sun Exposure: Full sun, prefer the heat.
Watering: Regular
Collection: must cultivate beans when they are tender and well formed. From July to October in Mediterranean climate and mid-July to mid-October in continental climate.
1.Earth and fertilization: The frank and beans prefer humus-rich soils, and require no manure.
2.Sowing: Beans are sown diractamente earth. Should water the soil and plant the day before when the soil is moist. It is also advisable to put the seeds to soak for about 24 hours before planting. No water should be before the first buds are gone.
3.Maintenance: Perform weeding to remove the weeds and keep the soil aerated. 3.1.Las vining beans require placement of tutors (reeds or branches of 2-2.5 m in height) from the time the buds emerge
4.Tip: It is advisable to harvest the beans every 3 or 4 days, because if we do that grain shall fall flowers jell and development will stop the killing.