Philodendron sp.
For orders call us on (+34) 977 120 102
Philodendron sp.
For orders call us on (+34) 977 120 102
Philodendron sp.
Common Name: Philodendron.
Brightness: well lit area without direct sunlight or artificial light
Watering: every 4 days with no lime water during the spring and summer and gradually reduce some risks towards winter. It is also important to spray the leaves every 2 days.
The most cultivated species:
Philodendron selloum: It has large serrated leaves forming a rounded bush. There are many hybrids and varieties of this species.
Giganteum Philodendron: climbing species having large leaves and slightly rounded with wavy margins and a bright green color.
Philodendron scandens: Very common in shops plants with smaller leaves cordate and climbing behavior.
Philodendron hastatum: This Philodendron is a creeper and has large elongated triangular leaves.