Tomato Roma VF 3 gr.

Tomato Roma VF 3 gr.

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Tomato Roma VF Seeds 



Common Name: Tomato Roma.
Scientific name: Solanum lycopersicum -Solanum esculentum-
Family: Solanaceae.
Type: Horticultural.
Origin: South America.
Description: Variety of indeterminate growth which is usually grown with creeping ones. Vigorous and hardy plant, high production.
Result in elongated pyriform, 4-5 to 7 cm., Firm, easily peeled and finely colored. Easy to peel smooth skin and thick walls. Consistent pulp.
Special for canning.
It is perennial but grown as an annual.
Resistance: Does not withstand extreme cold or frost.
Planting time: Winter and spring.
Method of sowing: Sowing in the nursery or hot bed or seat directly in soil seed Depth: 0.5 to 1 cm.
Transplant two months, with 5-6 sheets and 15 cm. high, the frame 100x50 cm. separating plants.
Harvesting: From June to October.
Care: Requires tutors for support. Subscriber balance.
A warm climate is ideal for growing, like greenhouses.
Soil Type: Soft, deep and rich in nutrients.
Light: Full sun.
Watering: Moderate. Twice a week.
Trivia: Has a lot of vitamins A and C.