Watermelon Meridian 10 gr.

Watermelon Meridian 10 gr.

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Watermelon Meridian Seeds

Da fruit crisp, sweet flesh and red, large, up to 6-9 kg. weight and oval.
Seeding. From March to May. With a minimum soil temperature of 12-14 ° C and after soaking the seed for 10 hours, put 7-8 seeds / hole equidistant 130 cm in well prepared soil.
Thinning. With seedlings in 4-leaf stage, leaving 3 plants / hole.
I paid.Nutritional balance of 1-1-1.
Collection of watermelon: June to September


With a very high percentage of water will soothe our thirst in summer. Being a highly refreshing food.

                With a high content of vitamin A, it will be beneficial in the prevention of certain cancers and cholesterol.
                Due to its vitamin content will be a natural antioxidant intake with that sun will favor the prevention of certain diseases and extend life.