Bella varied day 8 gr.

Bella varied day 8 gr.

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Bella seeds varied day

Common name: Bella varied day, Morning Glory, Morningglory, Tinkerbell.
Scientific name: Convolvulus tricolor.
Family: Convolvulaceae.
Type: Herbaceous annual vine.
Origin: North Africa and Europe.
Description: summer flowering plant named after flowers that open from morning until night. Sometimes creeping and climbing ability, depending on your location. Echelon form, with branched stems and abundant flowering. Its approximate height is 40 cm. Flowers bell-shaped and very bright colors.
Flowering: Summer and early Autumn.
Resistance: Resists heat perfectly, however you have to protect it from the intense cold. Fits the marine environment.
Planting season: Spring.
Method of sowing: Sold potted or ground seat. Cover the seeds with 1 cm. ground. The separation framework of adult plants is 30x70 cm.
Care: No special care. Supports pruning to keep compact appearance.
Soil Type: adapts perfectly to any type of soil.
Light: Full sun.
Watering: Scarce.
Trivia: Interestingly grow in hanging baskets, which is adapted to take a funny and colorful cheerful demeanor. Very decorative in planters, pots, slopes, parterres; and associated nasturtiums and birds of paradise.