Cola Contacte Transparent

Cola Contacte Transparent

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Glue Clear Contact


     Contactceys transparent once dry is totally colorless , disguising the finished joints .
     It is a contact or impact , based neoprene and very versatile general purpose to unite a multitude of materials together or combined with other materials.
     It also allows gluing mirrors, and expanded polystyrene foams in general , without attacking the surfaces.
     Provides unions strong, flexible and durable.

1 . Cleaned and dried thoroughly bonding surfaces

2 . Apply a thin even layer of Contactceys on each of the surfaces to be joined . Let dry a few minutes ( 10 min. Approx. ) Until you can touch the adhesive with your fingers to form without wires .

3 . JOIN both surfaces pushing strongly for a few seconds to ensure full contact between them.
4 . Remove excess adhesive with a cloth dampened in water
The maximum strength achieved after 24 hours of application.
     Suitable in: leather , leather , wood, Formica , melamine , cork, cardboard , rubber , carpeting , linoleum , felt, ceramics , mirrors, expanded polystyrene .

     Paste : leather, leather , rubber .
     Glues wood, formica laminate .
     Fixed : PVC flooring , cork, carpet .
Amount of Content : 30 ml tube , and brush in can 250 ml.