Acrylic sealer

Acrylic sealer

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Acrylic sealer


     To avoid water leaks and moisture pintable . Acrylic sealant recommended for sealing interior joints in kitchens and bathrooms.     Thanks to its formulation is easy to apply and clean.

Before the application:

1 - WITHDRAW well above the silicone does not adhere to previous silicone over silicone .

2 - Clean the sealing surface : clean and remove mold and dirt well rooted
3 - Apply masking tape around the joint , exposing only game where you need to apply silicone

4 - Cut the nozzle of the cartridge diagonally to facilitate the implementation


After application :

5 - smooth cord : soapy finger or a spatula " smooth silicone "

6 - Once applied silicone , remove the masking tape and ... ! Ready !
     Suitable on : glass , porcelain , ceramics , wood, marble saddle .
     Fail on : material risk to oxidation.


         Inside , baths , showers, shower enclosures , sinks , toilets , toilet feet , tops .